\n {content.title &&


}\n \n {content.text}\n \n {content.buttonLink && content.buttonText ?
\n );\n};\n","import React from 'react';\nimport { Blurb, BlurbShape } from './blurb';\n\ninterface IProps {\n blurbList: BlurbShape[];\n}\n\nexport const BlurbBlocks: React.FC = ({ blurbList }) => (\n
\n {blurbList.map((blurb) => (\n \n ))}\n
\n);\n","import { LinksBlock } from 'components/city-blocks/links-block';\nimport Link from 'next/link';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport { getRegionDisplayName } from 'shared/baby-grammar-rules';\nimport { RegionInfoFragment } from 'utils/gqlReactTypings.generated.d';\nimport { ShallowCityPage, ZipPage } from 'utils/types';\nimport { encodeCityPageHref, encodeRegionPageHref, encodeZipPageHref } from 'utils/urls';\n\ninterface IProps {\n regions: RegionInfoFragment[];\n cityPages: ShallowCityPage[];\n zipPages: ZipPage[];\n}\n\nexport const LinkColumns: React.FC = ({ regions, cityPages, zipPages }) => {\n return (\n
\n \n {regions.map((region) => (\n \n {getRegionDisplayName(region)}\n \n ))}\n \n \n {cityPages.map((cityPage) => (\n \n {cityPage.cityName}, {cityPage.stateNameShort}\n \n ))}\n \n \n {zipPages.map((zipPage) => (\n \n {zipPage.zipCode}\n \n ))}\n \n
\n );\n};\n","import React from 'react';\n\ninterface IProps {\n className?: string;\n text: React.ReactElement | string;\n author: React.ReactElement | string;\n}\n\nexport const Quote: React.FC = ({ text, author }) => (\n


\n - {author}\n
\n);\n","import { BlurbShape } from 'components/city-blocks/blurb';\nimport { ContentContainer } from 'components/city-blocks/content-container';\nimport { Quote } from 'components/city-blocks/quote';\nimport Link from 'next/link';\nimport { FontSize } from 'web-common/src/shared/styles/font';\n\nexport const META_CONTENT = `Select from a variety of homemade dishes and cuisines for delivery \nin your area from local Shefs! Looking for traditional homecooked meals delivered? Order today!`;\nexport const INDEX_TITLE = 'Find Home Cooked Food Delivery Near Me!';\nexport const HEADER_COPY_TITLE_1 = 'Where Shef Cooks & Delivers Homemade Food!';\nexport const HEADER_COPY_CONTENT_1 = (\n \n \n Shef is a chef-to-consumer marketplace that connects talented local cooks with customers looking for healthy,\n homemade meals. Shef is a great alternative to fast food or takeout, as it provides a healthier, more personalized\n food delivery experience. Plus, with the ability to filter by dietary preferences and ingredients, Shef makes it\n easy for customers to find dishes that fit their specific needs and preferences. Whether you're looking for a quick\n lunchtime meal or a hearty dinner for the whole family, Shef has something for everyone.\n \n);\n\nexport const HEADER_COPY_TITLE_2 = 'Most Popular Homemade Food in Locations';\nexport const HEADER_COPY_CONTENT_2 = (\n \n
    \n Indian Meals in San Francisco\n Thai Food in Los Angeles\n Mexican Meals in Los Angeles\n South Indian Meals in New York City\n South Indian Food in Seattle\n
    \n Mediterranean Cuisine in Chicago\n Italian Food in New York City\n Japanese Food in San Francisco\n Thai Cuisine in NYC\n Vegan Meals in Los Angeles\n
\n \n Have you ever dreamt of recreating an authentic dish you love from another culture? Sourcing hard-to-find\n ingredients for the perfect Pad Thai, a fabulous Fatoush, or a mouthwatering Mole can be a challenge. Getting the\n flavors and traditional techniques right takes a lifetime of first-hand experience.\n \n \n Reconnecting with the globally inspired dishes you’ve been missing isn’t just about finding ingredients and\n following recipes. It goes deeper than that. It’s about tapping into culinary wisdom passed down through\n generations.\n \n \n Shef connects you to the international community of talented cooks in your area, bringing the dishes you crave\n right to your doorstep. From the furthest reaches of the globe to your kitchen table, there’s a world of taste and\n tradition waiting to be discovered.\n \n Shef is flavor that takes you places.\n
\n);\n\nexport const HEADER_COPY_TITLE_3 = 'Authentically Homemade Cooked Meals Delivered';\nexport const AUTHENTIC_BLURBS: BlurbShape[] = [\n {\n key: 'homemade',\n title: 'The Story of Homemade',\n text: (\n <>\n \n Not only is{' '}\n \n homemade\n {' '}\n better for you, but we believe that it tastes better too.
\n \n Let’s explore how homemade meals from our community of shefs compare to restaurant food in terms of health\n benefits, taste, and more.\n \n \n ),\n buttonText: 'Homemade Food',\n buttonLink: 'https://shef.com/homemade-food/the-story-of-homemade/',\n },\n {\n key: 'safety',\n title: 'Food Safety',\n text: `Our community of shefs care deeply about the people they’re cooking for. \n The majority of shefs are moms that have spent years cooking for their own families, \n with their wellbeing front of mind. That being said, your trust is our #1 priority, \n so we’ve implemented strict food safety protocols to give you extra peace of mind. \n Read more about our food safety policy here.`,\n buttonText: 'Food Safety',\n buttonLink: 'https://shef.com/homemade-food/food-safety/',\n },\n {\n key: 'authentic',\n title: 'Why Authentic is Hard to Find!',\n text: `As a nation, the United States is a melting pot of global cultures. \n So why is it that you find the same dishes in Italian restaurants and Indian \n restaurants no matter where you are? While there are many reasons why \n authentic food is hard to find, there are a few prevalent reasons. \n Let’s explore them, shall we?`,\n buttonText: 'Explore Authentic Food',\n buttonLink: 'https://shef.com/homemade-food/why-is-authentic-food-so-hard-to-find-in-the-u-s/',\n },\n];\n\nexport const HEADER_COPY_TITLE_4 = 'Our Shefs. Our Stories.';\nexport const STORY_BLURBS: BlurbShape[] = [\n {\n key: 'every',\n title: 'Every Shef Has a Story!',\n text: `The beauty in a homemade meal is that it has the ability to tell a story. \n When people cook with patience and passion, the end result is a dish that acts as a piece of artwork, \n a beautiful reflection of the artist who created it. Food that’s every bit as unique and interesting \n as the story behind the shef that made it.`,\n buttonText: 'Read Shef Stories',\n buttonLink: 'https://shef.com/homemade-food/every-shef-has-a-story/',\n },\n {\n key: 'shef-story',\n title: 'The Story of Shef',\n text: `At Shef, we’re rebuilding the food system from scratch, redefining who can participate in the food economy, \n and returning personal connection to the making, eating, and sharing of food.`,\n buttonText: 'Read the Shef Story',\n buttonLink: 'https://blog.shef.com/our-story',\n },\n];\n","import { BlurbBlocks } from 'components/city-blocks/blurb-blocks';\nimport { HeaderCopy } from 'components/city-blocks/header-copy';\nimport { LinkColumns } from 'components/city-blocks/link-columns';\nimport { MaxWidthContainer } from 'components/city-blocks/max-width-container';\nimport { WavyDivider } from 'components/flair/WavyDivider';\nimport { HeroBlock } from 'components/hero-block/hero-block';\nimport Layout from 'components/layout';\nimport Head from 'next/head';\nimport React from 'react';\nimport {\n AUTHENTIC_BLURBS,\n HEADER_COPY_CONTENT_1,\n HEADER_COPY_CONTENT_2,\n HEADER_COPY_TITLE_1,\n HEADER_COPY_TITLE_2,\n HEADER_COPY_TITLE_3,\n HEADER_COPY_TITLE_4,\n INDEX_TITLE,\n META_CONTENT,\n STORY_BLURBS,\n} from 'shared/indexContent';\nimport { rootBreadcrumbs } from 'utils/breadcrumb-util';\nimport { RegionInfoFragment } from 'utils/gqlReactTypings.generated.d';\nimport { memoizedCityPageCities, memoizedRegions } from 'utils/memoized-data-structure';\nimport { reduceShallowCityPage, reduceZipPage, ShallowCityPage, ZipPage } from 'utils/types';\n\nexport const LINKS_BLOCK_LIMIT = 5;\n\ninterface IProps {\n regions: RegionInfoFragment[];\n cityPages: ShallowCityPage[];\n zipPages: ZipPage[];\n}\n\nconst Home: React.FC = ({ regions, cityPages, zipPages }) => {\n return (\n \n \n {INDEX_TITLE}\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n );\n};\n\nexport async function getStaticProps(): Promise<{ props: IProps }> {\n const regions = (await memoizedRegions()) ?? [];\n const cityPageCities = await memoizedCityPageCities();\n\n return {\n props: {\n regions: regions.slice(0, LINKS_BLOCK_LIMIT),\n cityPages: cityPageCities.map(reduceShallowCityPage).slice(0, LINKS_BLOCK_LIMIT),\n zipPages: cityPageCities.map((cityPage) => reduceZipPage(cityPage, cityPage.zipCode)).slice(0, LINKS_BLOCK_LIMIT),\n },\n };\n}\n\nexport default Home;\n"],"names":["window","__NEXT_P","push","__webpack_require__","Blurb","content","param","jsx_runtime","jsxs","div","className","title","jsx","h3","ContentContainer","fontSize","FontSize","text","buttonLink","buttonText","Button","link","BlurbBlocks","blurbList","map","blurb","key","LinkColumns","regions","cityPages","zipPages","LinksBlock","titleHref","seeAll","Link","href","encodeRegionPageHref","region","getRegionDisplayName","id","encodeCityPageHref","cityPage","cityName","stateNameShort","encodeZipPageHref","zipPage","zipCode","Quote","author","blockquote","p","cite","INDEX_TITLE","HEADER_COPY_CONTENT_1","HEADER_COPY_CONTENT_2","ul","span","AUTHENTIC_BLURBS","Fragment","i","br","STORY_BLURBS","LINKS_BLOCK_LIMIT","Home","Layout","Head","meta","name","HeroBlock","heroText","crumbs","rootBreadcrumbs","MaxWidthContainer","HeaderCopy","WavyDivider","pages"],"sourceRoot":""}